
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts King's Chamber

Largest chamber of the entire castle, it also possesses an antichamber where he meets in private with people. The greatest artists of the kingdom decorated the rooms in shades of red and gold.

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No New Posts Queen's Chamber

The Queen's chamber is very luxurious. It consists of an antichamber where she meets people and a bedroom. It is decorated with style and elegance.

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No New Posts Nicholas' Chamber

The young prince possesses a large chamber filled with all kinds of toys and muscial instruments. It's always a complete mess after he came in.

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No New Posts David's Private Chambers

Very decorated, very clean. It is the room of Duke David, one of the only two or three dukes in the kingdom. When he is here the fire is kept going and the room is kept warm.

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No New Posts Parker's Chamber - 1 Viewing

Mary's room is very simple, but decorated nonetheless. A bed lies to the left of the room, large enough to comfortably occupy two people. The walls are covered with tapestries, and on the window there are curtains which are usually tied back to let in light. It is a very bright room, with a writing desk and trunks for clothes and her other belongings.

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No New Posts Alys D'Evon's Chamber

A medium-sized room in the middle of this castle, tastefully decorated in pastels, with little or no decoration by the current occupant of this particular room.

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No New Posts Robert Ashter's Chamber - 1 Viewing

Robert's chamber is located in the same wing as those of the royal family in case they call him in haste. It is a very simple one of only one room decorated with sobriety.

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